Sell yourself to the hiring manager

This is the last piece of the puzzle for a super effective resumé that’s guaranteed to tick all the boxes in recruiter’s and hiring manager's minds.

Remember, the brunt of the battle when trying to get noticed amidst a sea of job applicants is the format and layout of your resumé. These 2 components usually lead silly machines to reject you before someone has a chance to consider you. However, this last component is one surefire way to send your resumé from the top 10% to the top 1%.

With 1000’s of applicants for each role in a turbulent job climate it’s going to be ultra competitive and it’s no surprise you’re not hearing back from many applications. To breakthrough you have to be the BEST suited candidate out of everyone else. It’s a given many people will be more qualified than you, more experienced, will work for less money, and many can probably do the job better than you can.

This isn’t having a dig at you, this is statistics. Only 1 person can be the best suited for a job out of 1000 but here’s the thing: It’s not how good you are, how qualified, or how experienced… It’s how you sell yourself through your resumé!

This one document is your ticket into your next job and there are certain things employers and recruiters go crazy for. If you know how their minds work you can hack them through your resumé.

Sell the Hiring Manager

Luckily for you we know how their minds work, one of our co-founders was one of them for over 10 years! After some poking and prodding we finally got him to divulge his recruitment secrets and the hallmarks of an effective resumé. When he did we stole his knowledge, documented his insights, and created an interactive resumé coach to help you land yourself in the top 1% of job applicants, consistently!

Expect callbacks, emails, and interviews, it really works.. If it didn’t we wouldn’t be here providing it to awesome people like you!

Instead of paying $350 PER resumé for a professional resumé coach you can access their coveted resumé writing SECRETS for under a third of the cost through ZYGAVERSE's INTERACTIVE RESUMÉ COACH. It’ll take your resumé into the stratosphere. Don’t forget, tailored resumés are vital for beating the computer and impressing the recruiter!

"With 1000’s of applicants for each role in a turbulent job climate it’s going to be ultra-competitive and it’s no surprise you’re not hearing back from many applications".

Jayden Kafanelis ZYGAVERSE CEO